Current QD Projects

We carried out research activities leads to fundamental understanding of the novel quantum physics in low-dimensional materials by combining diverse and complementary theoretical and computational approaches, and to model quantum enhanced devices, including energy sources, detectors, convertors, and absorbers.

         We aim at the realization of materials with novel functionalities, like interface optical, thermal properties, superconductivity, magnetism and ferroelectricity, fluorescence, which can be manipulated either by applying external stimuli, as magnetic/electric fields, spin-polarized current, and photon irradiation, or by tuning structural properties.

We define quantum devices under four groups to understand their functionalities during the modelling process.

Energy source

  • Optical thermal emitters
  • Plasmonic enhanced crystal cavity lasers
  • Plasmonic enhanced graphene based emitters
  • Quantum dot lasers
  • Nano lasers
  • Carbon nanotube spaser
  • Molybdenum-disulfide spaser

Energy detector

  • Plasmonic enhanced Schottky junctions
  • Metamaterial based sensors
  • Topological insulators
  • Optical nanoantennas

Energy convertor

  • Optical thermal transistors
  • Plasmonic waveguides
  • Nanocavity amplifiers
  • Plasmene nanosheets and ribbons

Energy absorber

  • Coherent perfect absorbers
  • Metamaterial absorbers

Project topics

Find information on research projects currently being conducted or supervised by QDR consortium members and require more participants.