QDR Consortium

QD research consortium opens up a platform to address challenges and harness opportunities presented in the quantum field.

We are a multidisciplinary, multi-institutional group with one goal, “the desire to advance quantum technologies in engineering design, analysis and applications”. We cross institutional boundaries to do that and publish our work for everyone to see, analyse, use and advance.

The main focus is to create new devices or enhance the operation of existing devices. However, that requires having a fundamental understanding of the atomic scale operation of these devices. We intend to probe that knowledge by building detailed models and implementing them in supercomputers, followed by experimental field trials. We invite all the like-minded individuals and groups sharing our vision of a quantum-led future to join hands and coalesce actions leveraging quantum device technology research aligning with a national and global approach.

AχL creates collaborative opportunities and mutually beneficial exchange of skills in a way that supports QDT R&D interests among many industry and academic partners worldwide.

Quantum device focused research activities at Monash University

Over a decade Monash University is substantially contributing to Australia’s quantum device technology research output with number of related research groups and facilities. Researchers in Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Medicine were collaborated to achieve breakthrough discoveries and harness quantum effects through modelling, fabricating and characterizing quantum structures, new metamaterial, micro/nano fluidic systems, diagnostic & sensing techniques. Cutting-edge technologies in Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication, Monash Centre for Electron Microscopy and Monash Microimaging Facilities are an invaluable resource for the quantum device related research in Monash University.

Advanced computing & simulation laboratory (A?L) lays foundation to QD research process by studying and developing quantum theories around topics such as nano-optics, plasmonics, spintronics, quantum electrodynamics, semiconductor electronics, solid-state theory and quantum energy transport methods. Numerical computational methods: finite difference, finite element methods, phase-space method, green’s function approximations, phase space formalism, monte-carlo method, density function models, etc are being thoroughly studied and utilised for modelling and simulation of functionality of quantum device structures.

Cutting edge fabrication techniques are being used (organic chemical vapor deposition process, molecular beam epitaxy, wet synthesis processes, thermal vacuum deposition, etc) to develop structures such as quantum dots, quantum wells, nanowires, carbon nanotubes, nanocavities, and photonics crystals.



QDR Consortium members

Faculty of Engineering and IT, University of Melbourne
Institute of Optics, University of Rochester, New York USA
Quantum Nanostructures Group (US), Georgia State University USA
Infrared Division, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech, USA
Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Electrical Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnic University, China
Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay/New Delhi/Kanpur/Guwati, India
Institute of Mathematical Biology, Oxford University, UK
Electrical Engineering, University of California Los Angeles, USA
University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
ADFA, University of New South Wales, Australia
Research School of Physics and Engineering, Australian National University

QDR Consortium members