For years, nanoantenna technology was essentially a miniaturized version of their macro-scale cousins. We discovered cubic nanoantennae have better directivity over miniaturized macro versions [J.Appl.Phys.(117),pp.083101 (2015)] (and Australian patent PCT/AU2015/050140). also, see 8d).
Over a century, Mie-scattering has been exhaustively studied. When it was thought implausible to find any new feature in this well-established topic, We discovered the existence of coherence-vortices using intricate numerical work assisted by analytically-guided solution in [Opt.Express(18), pp.6628–6641,2010] [Opt.Letts.(36), pp.936-938(2011)] [Opt.Express.(20), pp.2858-2875(2012)]. Vortices forbid light through them. Thus, by placing these vortices’ strategically, we can steer the flow of light through biological media for imaging and therapy.
The Discovery of missing poloidal-modes of a torus completes our understanding of the plasmonic modes of a torus [Phys.Rev.B(101),pp.115426(2020)]. We use detailed analytical results to understand this result, considering the symmetry breaking that occurs when an infinite cylinder is folded to form a torus. This fundamental result has various applications in spaser resonators and nanoparticle-based cancer therapy.