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PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Photonics/Optics, The University of Melbourne
BE - Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, The University of Melbourne
BSc - Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, The University of Melbourne
GradCertHE - Graduate Certificate in Higher Education, Monash University Clayton
Fellow, the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers USA (FSPIE).
Fellow, the Institution of Engineering and Technology UK (FIET)
Fellow, Institution of Engineers Australia (FIEAust).
Chairman, IEEE Photonics Society Victoria Australia.
Executive Member Institution of Engineers IT/EE College Victoria Australia.
Associate Editor OSA Advances in Optics and Photonics.
Associate Editor IEEE Photonics Journal.
Associate Editor IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.
Visiting Researcher, Australian National University
Visiting Researcher, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Visiting Researcher, The University of Melbourne
Visiting Researcher, University of California
Visiting Researcher, University of Oxford
Visiting Researcher, University of Rochester
Mie–Gans theory optically characterizes ellipsoidal and by extension generally elongated nonchiral metal nanoparticles (MNPs) and is ubiquitous in verifying experimental results and predicting particle behavior. Recently, elongated chiral MNPs have garnered enthusiasm, but a theory to characterize their chiroptical behavior is lacking in the literature. In this Letter, we present an ab initio model for chiral ellipsoidal MNPs to address this shortcoming and demonstrate that it reduces to the general Mie–Gans model under nonchiral conditions, produces results that concur with state-of-the-art numerical simulations, and can accurately replicate recent experimental measurements. Furthermore, to gain physical insights, we analyze factors such as background medium permittivity and particle size that drive the chiroptical activity using two types of plasmonic chiral MNPs. We also demonstrate the utility of our model in metamaterial design. Generic features of our model can be extended to characterize similar elongated chiral MNPs, fueling many other variants of the current model.