We propose a cavity quantum electrodynamic system consisting of a five-level atom coupled to a single mode of the cavity electromagnetic field. The study is focused on the regime of strong coupling between the cavity and atom. Pump laser fields and cavity fields connect the split energy levels of the atom. Instead of the well known two-level Dicke model obtained by adiabatic elimination of the high-energy levels, we consider the pump lasers’ de-tunings to the atomic transitions to be very small such that we can examine the influence of the higher-energy states.
We study the effect of an external coherent drive and incoherent pumping on these higher-energy levels and observe the enhancement of intracavity photon numbers due to quantum coherence effects. The amplification of intracavity photons is achieved even without a population inversion. However, the effect of the coherent and incoherent drive is negligible for very large detunings when the higher-energy states are adiabatically eliminated. At zero and small detunings, the system reaches the steady state at an earlier instant of time for higher incoherent pumping. We find an almost agreeable steady-state behavior of the system’s exact full quantum dynamics model and its semiclassical approximation. Our model tries to accurately simulate the open system by considering the cavity decay, spontaneous decay, and dephasing of the system.
The work is supported by the Monash University Institute of Graduate Research.
Related publications: journals.aps.org/pra/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevA.105.013701